We offer 3 different vocal courses. RSL Rockschool, Trinity Rock & Pop Vocals plus our own Course.
Both RSL & Trinity are graded exams.
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The Benchmark for
The Modern Vocalist
A Rockschool Vocal Grade will not only improve your singing ability, but expand your technical proficiency, grasp of music theory and appreciation of some of the most influential songs from the past five decades. As a student of music, you will improve your chances in auditions and competitions, whilst elevating your ability to write your own songs in the process.
RSL Vocal Syllabus
LCM Popular Music Vocals
LCM Popular Music Vocals
There are eight LCM Popular Music Vocals grades, four performance diplomas and three teaching diplomas.
The standard graded exams consist of a performance of two to four songs (grade dependent), technical work, a discussion and aural tests.
We also provide alternatives to our standard examination format designed to offer something different to our diverse range of candidates:
Recital – an exam entirely or predominantly performance-based
Leisure Play – an entirely performance-based exam
Performance Award – a performance-based assessment by video submission
Concert – an entirely performance-based diploma exam