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Bass Guitar

We offer 2 graded courses. RSL Rockschool or LCM/RGT.

click here for access to audio files and lesson pdfs



RSL Rockschool

As the glue that holds the band together, Rockschool understands that no band can groove without a bass player who is fully in control of melody and rhythm. As you progress through your grades, you will expand your technical proficiency, develop a solid comprehension of music theory, and ultimately understand the bass’ unique role in the world of popular music.

Download RSL Syllabus





There are eight LCME Bass Guitar grades, plus two introductory levels and three teaching diplomas.

The standard graded exams consist of a performance, scales and arpeggios, bass patterns, musicianship and aural assessment (there is also specialism for Grades 6 to 8).

We also provide alternatives to our standard examination format designed to offer something different for our diverse range of candidates:

  • Recital Grade – an entirely performance-based live exam

  • Filmed Performance Award – a performance-based assessment by video submission

  • Recorded Performance Award – a performance-based assessment by audio submission




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